Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Reality TV might suck more than anything in the entire world

Reality TV fucking sucks.  It doesn't just suck on a basic level like men who wear socks with sandals and women who hit you in the ankles with their fucking baby carriages, carrying their ugly, shit-stinking offspring.  It is everything that is wrong with America rolled into one, fucking filthy, disgusting, selfish, cunt-ridden package. Lets take a look at one of the worst fucking families in the entire world.  A family who whores themselves out in ways that make even me cringe.  A family full of ingrates, whores, morons, alcoholics, pussies, and plastic surgery.  A family whos combined IQ is probably somewhere around the number of pubes on an 8 year old.  You might be asking yourself who this steaming pile of diarrhea is, who could be this bad? The Fucking Kardashians.

For those of you have have not yet seen their wonderfully intelligent and challenging drama, do yourself a favor...don't.  It is terrible.  No, its fucking beyond terrible.  It might be the single worst show that has ever been on television.  Think about that statement.  I am comparing this to shows like super market sweep, days of our lives, and fox news.  How did the Kardashians rise to fame? Their lovely balloon-assed daughter, Kim.  Now, you are probably thinking to yourself, "Kim must be a singer or an actress if they offered her a TV show".  This is where you would be very wrong.  Kim's claim to fame isn't a hit single or a leading roll in a hollywood block buster, it was a sex tape.  A fucking sex tape.  She, a bratty daughter of a high profile lawyer who helped defend one of the most obvious murderers of all time, was penetrated repeatedly from a football player on a home video.  Classy.  The E network, in their infinite wisdom and good taste, decided to offer this bucket of discharge and her family of Carney's a TV show. I know when I get home from a shitty day at work and want to relax and be entertained, I cant think of anything better than to watch a reality tv show about a family of nobodies who are filthy rich crying about how hard their lives are.  These people, who had an annual income last year of over 65 million dollars, spend the majority of their show talking about how hard they have it and how difficult it is to be them.  It makes you wonder if a god does exist, and, if he/she does, why they don't strike them down in an apocalyptic fashion.

The other day I watched an episode with my girlfriend.  I am not proud of this but sometimes you need to pretend to be up on current events and culture so people don't think you are too far gone and misanthropic.  Anyhow, this one particular episode was about whore-filth Kim learning that she has psoriasis.  She then spent the rest of the episode shrieking at her mother and cursing her for passing on this terrible affliction via her genes.  Mind you we are talking about psoriasis, not cancer or sickle cell anemia.  Psoriasis, a common non life threatening skin disorder.  this pile of cellulite and non-talent decided she is too pretty and too famous to have a simple hereditary skin condition.  Only poor people get those.  She spent the entire episode whining about how her career could be ruined by this "devastating" problem.  There are two problems with this statement.  The first is the use of the word career.  Now, Mirriam-Webster defines career as, "a profession for which one trains and which is undertaken as a permanent calling".  Not sure what training our dear kim has done other than get pumped by a few famous people on candid camera.  The other problem is calling a few red marks on your skin a devastating problem.  A devastating problem is a 6 year old child born with Leukemia, who spends their life stuck in a hospital, unable to play with friends or a soldier coming home to live life after having the lower half of his fucking body blow off by a road side bomb.  Having minor red marks on the fat ham hocks you call legs, is pretty far from devastating.  But that's just it.  That is what this show and this family are all about.  This is what people all over the world think Americans are like.  They think we are all rich, whinny whores who have no real problems and cry when we take a shit and have to wipe our own ass.  No wonder the rest of the world hates the US.  I would too if I lived in Zamunda and saw this shit on my TV. 

Now, its not just the kardashian family that is pollution television.  They are only one example.  The reality tv craze took off and did so well that they are now the only fucking shows on tv.  and, its seems like these tv executives will give a reality show to almost anybody capable of forming a questionable sentence and drinking so much they get into a fight and piss themselves.  I mean for christ sake, flava flav and brett michaels had reality tv shows.  I was wondering the other day just how many reality shows are ruining tv these days.  I decided to try and get a round figure and was hit with something that nearly made me shit directly in my pants.  This website (http://www.realitytvworld.com/realitytvworld/allshows.shtml) gives an alphabetized list of all the reality shows out there at the moment.  It seems to be several HUNDRED.  SEVERAL FUCKING HUNDRED!!! are you kidding me? There are cooking shows, dating shows, singing shows, dancing shows, weight loss shows, shows about picking out a dress, show about building houses, shows about picking through trash, show about hoarding, shows about fishing, shows about baby beauty pageants! There are literally shows about anything you can possibly imagine, and then some.  Its is literally cancer for the television.  It keeps spreading all over and is impossible to stop.  It feeds on the stupidity of the viewers and grows bigger and stronger until it begins to spread to new networks.  It is so bad these days that people are know as "reality tv stars".  I will repeat that, "reality tv stars".  It almost makes you want to gag a little bit when you say it.  Is there anything more pathetic that hearing "and now please welcome, star of the reality show kate plus her brood of psychologically damaged spawn to the show!"  Now, there are shows out there sending messages that are so fucked up, even i find myself shocked from time to time.  Shows like teen mom, a show about 14 year old or similarly aged kids who have children of their own and the challenges they face.  Are you fucking kidding me? These little redneck/ghetto twats are becoming famous for this shit? Unreal.  people who shouldn't even be allowed to breed in the first place are having children by age 14.  Way to go America, way to send a solid message to the youth of today.  Be an irresponsible jack off and maybe you too can be famous and get on a tv show.  I mean its so bad that there are tv shows about child beauty pageants.  Generally when you think about beauty pageants, you think about miss America and miss universe.  Contests that measure something I cant really figure out but something nonetheless.  The contestants are generally in their 20's and can at least form coherent thoughts and do some shit that resembles some brain function to accomplish.  However, on the child beauty pageant shows, 6 year old children dress up like creepy fucking dolls and do weird and perverse dance routines.  They are asked questions by the "judges" and are required to answer them to the best of their abilities.  The adults in these show make me want to lock the doors to my home and by a fucking tazer.  They are not just odd, they are demented.  they treat their children like the are living barbie dolls.  they spray tan their 6 year old children and force them to learn ridiculous creepy dance routines.  if that isn't child abuse i don't know what is.  The worst part of the show are the "judges".  what kind of a fucking turd-burglar, pedophile, panty sniffer, diddling bag of shit do you have to be to be a judge of a 6 year old beauty pageant? Just google child beauty pageants and be amazed. 

Its really pretty impossible to tackle this entire catastrophe in one rant so I am going to quit here, obviously without doing a check of any kind.  perhaps a part two will come

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