Tuesday, July 19, 2011

foot tattoos fucking suck

 Summer is here.  Actually summer is more than halfway fucking over, which sucks a considerable amount.  Soon I will be freezing my sub 5'9" ass on the urine stained streets of new york yet again.  Does anything suck more than winter? Well, i suppose a 95 degree day with full humidity sucks an equal amount of wang.  Nothing makes your feel more disgusting than walking out of a nice air conditioned building onto the streets of New York, which, in the hot summer, smell like honey mixed with fresh diarrhea.  Unbelievable.  Having sweat beads drip down your anus is also hardly ideal.  Yeah summer in the city is a real treat.   

Anyway, Foot tattoos.  What the fuck are these? Now that people are wearing sandals and flip flops again (which are fucking terrible in and of themselves, especially those fucking gladiators...) i have noticed an abundance of foot tattoos.  Why on the foot? That might be the lamest place to get a tattoo ever.  I think i respect a barbed wire tattoo around a bicep more than this fucking garbage.  Nothing says chicken shit like a foot tattoo.  I have seen them on every type of women out there, even banker chicks.  I saw a lady walk out of an office building wearing a pretty decent looking business suit fucking thing with a rosary tattoo on her foot.  What could you possibly be thinking putting this shit on your foot permanently? What is the point? Why the foot? Why not your arm or or something that shows some damn commitment?  Its not cute, its lame.   It makes you look like a pussy, a fucking ridiculous sorority chick who got "wasted" one night and decided to be a "rebel" and do something "crazy".  Dick.  Its a shame you didn't do something crazy like throw yourself off a building or in front of a train... I have yet to see one a guy.  However, if I do, I might have no choice but to beat him to death with whatever I can get my hands on at the moment or, at the very least, verbally abuse him.  Its already bad enough having to look at peoples filthy feet all day in the summer.  Honestly, if you have busted ass feet, put some fucking shoes on.  Don't make people have to stare at you Frodo Baggins looking filth all day.  Crooked ass toes and nappy cracking heels...Vomit on a small child.  Please, for the love of all that is fucking holy, if you have nasty feet, don't wear sandals!!! Adding a tattoo doesn't make matters better! it doesn't distract viewers from noticing you have only 4 1/2 toes or nappy, crusty nail polish! I am gonna leave it at that because talking about feet is and foot tattoos is pissing me off.  Until next time...

Nicole's note: If you are Kamilla, this does not apply to you.

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